Drawing disabled text #54

You can draw disabled text, like that you see when you set a TLabel's Enabled property to false, by using the DrawState Windows API function.

The following routine draws disabled text on a canvas using the canvas' current font:

function DrawDisabledText(const Canvas: TCanvas; const X, Y: Integer;
  const Text: string): Boolean;
  Result := DrawState(
    Canvas.Handle,            // device context to draw on
    0,                        // brush (not required)
    nil,                      // output function (not required)
    Integer(PChar(Text)),     // text to be rendered
    Length(Text),             // length of text to be rendered
    X, Y,                     // co-ords of top left of text
    0, 0,                     // size of text (not required)
    DST_TEXT or DSS_DISABLED  // text type and state

The DST_TEXT flag tells the API routine to display text and DSS_DISABLED tells it to draw the text disabled.

If your text contains accelerator characters (i.e. uses the "&" sign to cause the following character to display underlined), then use the DST_PREFIXTEXT flag in place of DST_TEXT.

There is a version of DrawDisabledText, that can optionally handle accelerator characters, in the DelphiDabbler Code Snippets Database.


In this example we will display the text "Hello World!" in the default font both normally (using Canvas.TextOut) and disabled (using DrawDisabledText).

Start a new VCL application and create an OnPaint event handler for the form as follows:

procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  cText = 'Hello World!';
  Canvas.TextOut(8, 8, cText);
  DrawDisabledText(Canvas, 8, 32, cText);

If you want to use a different font, set the canvas' font property as required before calling DrawDisabledText. For example to change the above code to use 14pt Arial Bold, revise the FormPaint method as follows:

procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  cText = 'Hello World!';
  Canvas.Font.Name := 'Arial';
  Canvas.Font.Size := 14;
  Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
  Canvas.TextOut(8, 8, cText);
  DrawDisabledText(Canvas, 8, 32, cText);
Author: Peter Johnson
Contributor: Peter Johnson
Added: 2007/10/15
Last updated: 2013/10/12